Sunday, June 2, 2013

Damn Did I Have Fun!

Yesterday was a great day!

What made it so great you ask?

I had the best participants come by and check out the demo that an artist could ask for in all the world. They seemed to have walked away with some really good images, and seemed happy and hooked on the process. I also had a young lady show me a new trick using salt, like you would for water colors. I am going to try it out!

I ran out of magazines, and the store sold Citra Solv, which means people are going to try it at home. I ran out of business cards and I see I have a few new people stopping by here to check out the space, which means I have to be better about updating the blog.

I asked everyone to send me pictures of what they end up with and how they incorporate it into their art, which I truly hope they do based on what I saw yesterday.

I also sold 5 pieces of art, which is a first. I usually donate the art, so it was a weird feeling have someone hand me money for something I created. But the good news is that 100% of the proceeds will be going to a Native American school in NM, which have been hit very hard by the sequester. So, the art is still helping others, just in a different way. The schools were featured on NPR and it kills me they are always hit first and the hardest. I can't stand injustice and want to do my little part in helping set it right.

Brittany, at Jerry's Artarama in Austin, has also offered to let me hang the rest of the art, for sale in the store to help out with this little fundraiser, so if you are in the area and want to check it out, please click on their link for the address.

I also want to give a shout out to Melissa Zeitler at Citra Solv. She does an amazing job supporting artist who use their product for such an alternative purpose. The company has an artist page and really work hard to promote the artist and this artist is very appreciative.

If you are interested in any of the art click here and scroll through, each piece is priced at $30 and all proceeds will go to a school, that really needs basic supplies like pencils and paper. If you want to purchase, please contact me and we will work out the details for shipping.

Thanks for stopping by and supporting me. Here are a few pictures of the pages I had turn out yesterday.

As always,  thank you for stopping by and taking a peek at what I am doing. I will be working with the images above in the next few weeks, and bring them back around for sale soon.

Peace and well being!

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